我們是 Playstack Ltd,一家註冊地址為 56A Poland Street, London, W1F7NN, United Kingdom 的公司(公司編號 10168633)。我們為資料管控者(遵循《隱私權政策》最終負責處理與你有關資料的負責公司),且為英國資料專員(ICO)的註冊會員。如果你對這個政策有疑問或想要行使你的合法資料保護權利,可隨時寄信給 data@playstack.com,我們的資料隱私管理員會很樂意協助你。
它的作用有點像是告訴你要吃蔬菜一樣。我們是為了你的最佳利益考量。當你前來我們網站、下載或使用我們的遊戲、參與我們的社交頻道、選擇接受我們的行銷材料、參加促銷或與我們交談時,你將以本政策說明中的各種方式,提供可以識別你個人身份的資訊(即你的「個人資料」)。本文件並不是要詳細說明那些容易忽視的細節,而是一項承諾,保證我們會保護並尊重你的隱私。我們想要盡可能地清楚說明當你前來我們的網站和下載我們的遊戲時,需要同意的內容是什麼。如果你有任何問題,只需傳送電子郵件到 data@playstack.com,我們會試著為你解答!
通常我們的應用程式條款會要求使用者必須年滿 18 歲才能在我們這裡創建帳戶,除非已明確聲明(並附有父母同意)此特定應用程式可接受較低的年齡要求(但其年齡絕不會低於 13 歲)。
我們的研究顯示,我們的應用程式使用者年齡一般大於 18 歲。我們確實採取了預防措施,以確保任何未經授權的未成年人使用者所面臨的風險都十分有限。
如果我們發現任何不符合我們年齡規定的使用者,我們可能會按照我們的條款中的說明,採取我們認為適當的所有行動,包括終止你的帳戶和刪除你的資料。如果你是父母,發現孩子不符合年齡規定卻正在使用我們其中一個應用程式,請透過 data@playstack.com 聯絡我們,我們將為你提供協助。
我們收集並使用你給予我們的明面資訊。 這類資訊為當你處於下列情況時所直接給予我們的相關資訊:
- 在我們的行動應用程式中創建帳號
- 填寫我們網站上的表格(如:「聯絡我們」表格)
- 註冊以接受我們的電子報與促銷消息
- 填寫你的使用者個人檔案
- 參與我們的一項競賽或調查
- 提供任何使用者生成內容(在應用程式內啟用)或
- 透過電話、電子郵件或其他方式(例如,如果你回報我們網站或其中一款遊戲的問題)。
- 身份資料 – 我們需要知道你身份的資料(你的姓名、頭銜、出生日期和性別)
- 聯絡資料 (你提供給我們的聯絡資料,像是帳單地址、電子郵件地址和電話號碼)
- 行銷偏好資料(你選擇從我們這裡接收的行銷和通訊資料)
- 個人檔案資料(你的使用者名稱和密碼、你輸入的促銷內容、你的興趣、偏好、遊戲內好友、意見回覆和調查回覆以及你提供給我們的其他資訊,像是你透過我們的網站、社交頻道或以其他方式(例如電話或電子郵件)聯絡我們時,與我們的客戶支援或應用程式內技術團隊通訊的任何內容。
- UGC(使用者原創性內容)資料 – 我們的部份應用程式也允許你上傳自己的內容。請參考我們的《可接受的使用政策》,以瞭解我們會如何處理這類資料。 我們有可能將 UGC 資料連結到你的個人檔案資料。
- 位置資料 – 我們的應用程式一般而言不會使用位置資料,而若使用的話,在你下載應用程式的時候,我們會標明這一點並說明該資料的用途。
- 每一次你前來我們的網站,或下載或遊玩我們的遊戲時,後台會有些聰明的小東西告訴我們你使用我們的相關事宜,而其中就包含一部份的自動資料擷取功能。這部份功能在你下載和開啟我們應用程式時就會執行,就算你未設立帳戶或登入也是如此。
- 我們將這些巧妙收集到,與你有關的資訊稱之為「技術資料」和「使用資料」。我們已在此處完整列出了我們所收集到關於你的不同類型技術資料。我們只在需要的地方收集和使用此類資料,並再次評估是否有良好的商業理由這麼做。像是我們需要這些資料來改進我們的遊戲以及遊戲呈現給你的方式、追踪你使用我們遊戲和使用我們的應用程式的方式,以便我們可以改善玩家體驗、為你提供你想要的服務以及確保你不會收到無關的行銷內容。
- 我們有時喜歡使用 Cookie(這可不是小餅乾,而是可以傳送到你裝置瀏覽器上的小型文字檔)。它們不會提供任何可能會揭露你身份的資訊(像是你的姓名),但會顯示你的裝置、瀏覽器和網路設定內容。我們也會使用其他的技術方法來識別你的裝置,像是像素、信標、腳本和標籤。我們可以將這些技術事宜與你的其他個人資訊連結。我們總是需要取得你的明示同意才能使用 Cookie,除非這些 Cookie 為絕對必要,我們需要依據這些才能向你提供我們的服務。這是法律規定。請閱讀我們的《Cookie 政策》,其中會更詳細的說明我們所有的 Cookie。你可以隨時設定你的瀏覽器設定以拒絕所有或部分瀏覽器 Cookie,或在網站設定提示,或在存取 Cookie 時提醒你。你也可以隨時在此處選擇你的 Cookie 偏好。如果你想要知道更多有關 Cookie 的資訊,包括 Flash Cookie/本機儲存裝置,請前往下列可提供實用資訊的網站:www.allaboutcookies.org 與 www.youronlinechoices.eu。你也能設定瀏覽器和行動裝置以封鎖 Cookie 和本機儲存裝置,但若 Cookie 為絕對必要,則這麼做可能會無法進行我們的遊戲。
- 我們也會因為廣告關係而需要使用你的 技術資料和使用資料 。請參下述行銷內容。
- 我們還可能使用你的技術資料來管理我們的應用程式和內部操作,包括:故障排除、資料分析、測試、研究、統計和調查目的,以及作為我們確保應用程式安全的部份努力。最後,我們可能會用它來向你傳送「推送通知」,也就是在你裝置上的彈出訊息,以讓你瞭解會影響你服務的更新內容(例如,你成為了取得遊戲最高得分的人時)。你可以在裝置上關閉這些功能。
如果你有興趣(但可能並沒有),你的技術資料可以匯總為:用於將你的裝置連接到網際網路的 IP 地址、裝置唯一識別符、登入資料(例如,你與我們應用程式互動的日期和時間)、你的應用程式內操作,例如你在應用程式內查看或搜索的功能和產品、回應時間、錯誤、應用程式互動資訊(例如滾動或點擊)、你使用的作業系統、平台和裝置型號、你正在使用裝置上的其他技術/應用程式,包括 SDK 版本、時間戳記、API 密鑰、應用程式版本、裝置識別碼、iOS/Google 廣告標識符、區域設定(使用給定語言的特定位置)、時區、 行動網路和網路狀態(WiFi 等)、一般位置資訊(不足以得出城市和街道名稱)、連線類型(例如行動數據或 WiFi)、存取狀態/HTTP 狀態代碼、瀏覽器資訊(語言、類型和版本與外掛)以及 Cookie、像素、信標、腳本和標籤(見下文)。技術資料可能會連結到你的使用資料 – 這是你如何使用應用程式和我們網站的相關資料(像是你會在遊戲的哪一個特定部份花費多長時間)。使用資料還包括從你那裡獲取的有關你與我們通訊的互動資料(例如,你是否打開了我們傳送給你的訊息或點擊了我們傳送給你的連結)。
我們也會收集並使用社交媒體資料,這是透過是 Facebook 和 Instagram 這類社交媒體頻道所取得的資料。
請記住,當以上述方式使用社交媒體時,就是將你透過社交頻道提供給我們的資訊與你交付給我們的資訊連結在一起 ,所以請閱讀他們的隱私權政策並審視你的隱私設定。
如果我們提供你透過使用取自社交媒體服務的聯絡人(如你的 Facebook 好友或 Gmail 聯絡人)邀請好友玩遊戲的機會,那麼我們僅會向那些聯絡人寄送邀請。
我們會使用分析供應商了解有關我們數位社群的更多資訊(例如,透過使用唯一識別符來分析我們玩家的遊戲內行為,並找出看到我們的廣告後會下載遊戲的對象,或提供整合資料報告,例如有 75% 的使用者花了一個多小時玩這部分遊戲。
我們全部服務供應商的名單在此處。如需更多相關資訊,請前往 https://deltadna.com/privacy/ 和 https://www.appsflyer.com/privacy-policy/。
當你使用我們的網站時,Google, Inc. (「Google」) 所提供的 Google Analytics 這項網路分析服務,會在你的裝置上放置 Cookie,以便 Google 能夠向我們提供與網站相關的活動報告。Google 向我們提供這項資料只是為了要提供使用者如何使用網站的資訊,並不會將你的 IP 位址與 Google 所持有的其他資料相關聯。由 Google Cookie 生成的資訊(包括你的 IP 位址)將透過 Google 位於美國的伺服器傳送和儲存。你可以在瀏覽器上或在我們 Cookie 橫幅上選擇適當的設定,或者下載並安裝 https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en-GB 可用的瀏覽器外掛程式以拒絕這些分析 Cookie。
有時我們也會以一種無法識別的匿名方式收集、使用和分享你的資料,將其與其他人的資訊集合在一起,例如:「年齡 25-35 歲的人喜歡這款應用程式」。我們會將其稱之為整合資料,且雖然這份資料可能使用你的個人資料創建,但法律上並不會將其認定為個人資料,因為這類資料不會直接或間接表明你的身份。
我們可能會分享整合資料(例如告知廣告商曾有 500 位年齡在 30 歲以下的人在任一個特定日期點擊他們的廣告,或是使用該份整合資訊幫助廣告商觸及我們受眾中的特定族群)。
3.資料來源與資料分享 – 你們會與任何第三方交換我的個人資料嗎?
行銷電子郵件:如果你已經下載了我們的遊戲並在我們這裡註冊了帳戶(或要求我們提供有關我們遊戲的資訊或參加促銷活動),法律允許我們向你傳送有關我們提供的類似遊戲的行銷電子郵件和文字,這代表你已經選擇加入行銷郵件清單,但你始終有權在你註冊我們時以及在我們傳送給你的每條行銷訊息中選擇退出郵件清單。你可以點擊電子郵件訊息中的取消訂閱連結,隨時要求我們停止寄送行銷訊息給你,或透過 data@playstack.com 聯絡我們,隨時提出這項要求。我們也需要你的明示同意才能將電子報傳送給你。
- 我們有些廣告並不是特別針對你(例如一個社交媒體頁面上所有觀眾皆可見的廣告)。這種廣告並不構成直接行銷,且不會使用你的個人資料。
- 我們有些廣告可能會比較針對你,在我們評估它屬於我們的合法利益,且不會平公平地侵害你的權利的情況下。我們會使用:
- 個人檔案透過查看我們已經掌握的關於你的資料(例如你的個人檔案資料、技術和使用資料以及你的社交媒體資料)來確定你可能對哪些類型的遊戲、促銷活動或平台感興趣。這不會讓你受到打擾。即「使用者名稱下載了這個應用程式並且在我們關於其他遊戲貼文上按讚,因此我們可能會在他們下次登入時向他們展示廣告」。或者我們可能想要向 20-30 歲的女性展示一個廣告,並使用我們為此目的擁有的人口統計資料來投放廣告。
- 社交媒體受眾 – 我們使用與我們合作的社交媒體網路提供的自訂和類似受眾,將我們的廣告投放到我們認為會喜歡我們遊戲的人。這可能涉及為我們提供我們所選擇的人口統計資料中一般使用者受眾的社交媒體平台,或者可以透過使用在兩個平台上註冊的電子郵件地址來更針對性地投放給個人。請審視他們的隱私權政策。
- 線上識別符 – 在這些平台允許的情況下,我們會使用 Google Ad ID、IDFA 和 Advertising ID 作為線上識符。請審視他們的隱私權政策。
- Cookie – 我們只會獲得你的明示同意後才會因著廣告和行銷目的使用 Cookie。
我們的應用程式也可能包含第三方靜態廣告。我們不總是會包含廣告。有時廣告可能會很煩人。但有時廣告也可以十分酷炫,且我們認為有時還可以豐富玩家的體驗。而且老實說,我們可以從你點擊的廣告獲得一些收益,這些錢又能讓我們讓遊戲的新版本變得更時尚,於是大家都很開心。我們也許會因為這個原因與第三方廣告商分享你的整合資料(例如喜歡這款遊戲的人中有 75% 年齡在 30 歲以下)。這些廣告不會特別針對你個人,應用程式的所有使用者(或一般人口統計資料中的某部份人)都能看到。
如果我們透過使用遊戲內邀請提供給你邀請好友 遊玩此應用程式的機會,我們只會將你的聯絡人用於該目的,但你必須確認你的朋友是否樂意以這種方式聯絡。
我們使用第三方提供商代表我們來收集、匯出、處理和儲存個人資料,而有些第三方並不位於英國和/或歐盟。我們僅使用我們認為能滿足保護你資料所需的最低法律要求的資料處理商,並且我們確保在將資料傳送到海外或與這些處理商共享資料時,會採取適用的保護措施來保護你的資料。如需第三方處理商與服務提供商的名單:請點擊此處。這份名單將不時更新。如果你需要有關這些資料處理商的詳細資訊,請聯絡 data@playstack.com。
• 你仍然為我們郵寄名單中的註冊訂閱人;
• 你仍然為應用程式的註冊使用者;或
• 在前 3 個月你透過我們的網站加入了應用程式內的促銷活動。
然而,如果你未開啟任何我們所寄出的電子郵件通訊,或 24 個月內未與應用程式或網站以任何方式進行互動,則我們將會視你為閒置使用者。
我們也會根據你的要求刪除你的資料,但是我們可能會保留「選擇退出」的請求名單來管理你的要求。請聯絡 data@playstack.com 以取得我們資料保留政策的詳細內容。
7.安全性 – 維持你資料的安全以及我們如何保護你的資料
- 知情與存取權。你有權知道我們手上持有關於你的哪些資料,且可以要求我們提供你個人資料的副本。請聯絡 data@playstack.com,以便我們提供這些資料給你。請注意,我們可能會要求你具體說明你想要瞭解的內容是什麼,以便我們可以專注尋找你要的東西。
- 更正個人資訊的權利。我們會試著讓我們手上的關於你的資訊保持正確與最新狀態。若你注意到我們手上關於你的任何資訊不正確,請聯絡 data@playstack.com 告知我們,我們將盡快更正。
- 資料刪除/被遺忘權。在某些情況下,若我們沒有適當理由繼續處理你的資料,或你成功拒絕我們處理你的資料,或我們非法處理你的資料,或因遵守當地資料而需消除這些資料,則你有權要求刪除我們手上關於你的一些個人資料。如果你希望取得任何關於刪除的資訊,請聯絡 data@playstack.com 告知我們。請注意,為了處理你的要求,你必須從你的裝置刪除我們的遊戲,並從任何你曾在網路瀏覽器中玩過我們遊戲的裝置上清除我們的 Cookie。出於特定的法律原因,我們可能無法始終滿足你的清除請求,我們會在回覆你的請求時告知你結果(若適用)。我們也許以匿名方式保留你的資訊。在某些情況下,你在遊戲時可見的個人資訊,例如使用者名稱、頭像、你的高分和任何聊天訊息,可能會緩存在其他玩家的裝置上,而我們可能無法從這些裝置上刪除或更新這些資料(例如,如果該裝置未連線 Wi-Fi 網路)。
- 資料可移動性。在某些情況下,你可能有權要求將你提供給我們的資料提供給你,以便你可以將其以機器可讀格式傳送到另一個資料控制商。此權利僅適用於你最初同意我們使用的自動化資訊,或我們使用自動化資訊與你簽立合約的情況。
- 處理限制。這讓你能夠在以下情況下要求我們暫停處理你的個人資訊:(a) 如果你希望我們確定資料的準確性;(b) 若我們非法使用資料,但你不希望我們消除資料;(c) 若你在我們不需要資料的情況下,仍需我們保存資料,因為你需要它來確定、行使或捍衛合法的索賠;(d) 你反對我們使用你的資料,但我們需要驗證我們是否有強力合法的理由可以使用它。
- 拒絕權。你有權反對基於合法利益(如果你認為不合法)或直接行銷目的來處理你的個人資料。在某些情況下,我們可能會證明我們有凌駕於你的權利和自由之上,令人信服的合法理由繼續處理你的資訊。但我們僅在絕對需要你的資料時才會少見地依賴該選項,因為我們尊重它畢竟是你的資料!
- 撤回同意權。同意並非是一次性的事。你給了出去,也可以收回!如果你想要撤回對於你任何資料的使用同意,就寄信至 data@playstack.com 告知我們。這不會影響在你撤回同意之前所進行的任何處理的合法性。如果你撤回了同意,可能會影響我們應用程式的使用體驗,並且在你撤回同意時,我們也會提醒你這件事。
- 直接行銷選擇退出。如果你選擇接受來自我們的直接行銷通訊,可以在改變心意時隨時透過我們傳送給你的任何行銷通訊中的選擇退出連結,根據其指示進行。如果你已選擇接受超過一種以上的行銷通訊,你可能需要單獨一個個地選擇退出。在任何選擇退出生效之前,我們可能需要幾天才能更新紀錄。
還有其他可讓你管控部分我們收集有關於你的資訊的方法。例如,你可以移除 Facebook 或其他社交網路帳戶與我們遊戲的連結,或從你的行動裝置上刪除我們的遊戲。你也可以使用裝置中的設定,一併重設行動廣告識別符或限制廣告追蹤活動。最後,你可以限制或防止在網路瀏覽器中使用 Cookie。更多有關所有這些選擇的資訊已在《隱私權政策》的他處提供。
你可以根據你的所在位置,向當地監查資料保護機構投訴我們。若在英國,請詳讀 ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint 內的內容,以瞭解如何進行投訴。
如果你需要聯絡我們,可以寄送電子郵件到 data@playstack.com,或寫信至下列地址:Data Compliance Officer, Playstack Ltd, 56A Poland Street, London, W1F7NN, United Kingdom。信中請務必包含你要求的具體詳細資料,以及你最方便我們回覆的方式。
Apple Arcade Privacy Policy
1. Introduction, who we are and how to contact us
Thank you if you are going to download or have downloaded one of our games!
Who we are
We are Playstack Ltd, a company registered in England at 56A Poland Street, London, W1F7NN, United Kingdom and company number 10168633. We are the data controller (the company which is ultimately accountable for the processing of the information we collect about you under this Privacy Policy) and we are registered with the Information Commissioner (ICO) in the United Kingdom. If you have questions about this policy or would like to exercise your legal data protection rights, you can always contact our friendly data privacy manager by emailing them at data@playstack.com.
This policy (together with our terms of use and any other documents referred to in them) sets out the basis on which we will use, store, collect, disclose and transfer (process) your data.
Where we ask for your permission to process your data, please remember you can decline to give it and you can change your mind later and withdraw it. When we ask for your permission, we will always explain the consequences of withdrawing it (e.g. if it affects gameplay).
Changes to this Policy
We may need to update this Policy at any time to reflect changes in our business. All changes will be flagged in the app and if we consider it appropriate, we will notify users of important changes by email or in-app too.
Our App terms require users to be 13 or over. You do not need to create an account with us in order to play the game, however you will need a Gamecenter ID.
We do take precautions to ensure that risks to any unauthorised users being minors are limited.
If we discover any users not meeting our age requirements, we may take all such action as we deem appropriate as explained in our terms including the termination of your account and deletion of your data. If you are a parent and have discovered your child is using one of our Apps, please contact us at data@playstack.com and we will help you.
2. What information will you collect about me and why do you need to use it?
What information do we collect?
We collect and use obvious information you give us. This is information about you that you give us directly when you:
- fill in your user profile (your Gamecenter ID will be used as a default in all Apple Arcade games);
- provide any user generated content (where this feature is enabled in-app); or
- talk with us by phone, e-mail or otherwise (for example if you report a problem with the game).
You know what information you are giving us and why we need the information as you are filling in the forms and requesting us to do things for you! But as a gentle reminder, this may include:
- Identity Data – data we need to know to set up your account and enable gameplay (We will ask for your Gamecenter ID).
- Contact Data (the information you give us to contact you like your e-mail address and phone number for example if you would like to communicate with us for troubleshooting purposes)
- Profile Data (your username and password, your preferences, in-game progress and gameplay/settings, in-game friends, feedback and other information you give us such as the contents of any correspondence you have with our customer support or technical teams)
- Location Data – Our app does not use Location Data.
Why do you use this obvious information?
We use the obvious information you give us to perform our contract with you and to provide you with the App. Basically to do what you are asking of us. We need this data to administer your account registration and to provide services that you have asked us to provide to you. It also allows us to create in-App gameplay.
In addition we may use the following:
- Save state information, which contains non-personal gameplay data, such as character and level progression and achievement tracking (collectively, “Save Data”);
- A local device ID specific to Save Data for internal operations of the game (a “Device ID”)
- Anonymized gameplay data to help us improve our games. We do not collect gameplay data from underage players.
- When a game crash occurs we collect data related to that crash and store it locally on your device. This data is transferred to our servers and used to help find the source of the error.
Save Data, along with a Device ID, is sent to Apple for Game Center achievements, leaderboards and to iCloud for storage. Save Data is also stored locally on your device used to access the App. In some jurisdictions, Save Data or a Device ID may be considered personal data either because it can be combined with more specific personal data linking such data to a particular person or household or because it actually is, or is linked with, personal data associated with a particular person or household.
Other uses of the data we collect include: displaying and delivering the game and content through the Service; supporting the security and integrity of the App; and complying with contractual, legal (including requests from law enforcement or government authorities through means such as subpoenas or warrants), regulatory or audit obligations or defending our rights and the rights of others.
When a game is provided via Apple Arcade we collect your gameplay or crash data on our severs in AWS cloud. We do not share that data with other Analytic companies
We do not use your data for other purposes unconnected to providing you with the Game. For example, we do not use in-game analytics or use your data for our marketing purposes. You may, on occasion, see advertising from Apple relating to its products and services which forms part of the Apple Arcade experience. If you have any questions relating to this, please visit your Apple Arcade settings.
We may combine the obvious information with other less obvious technical types of data we collect about you such as data about your device and how you use our app (we’ve explained this a bit more below) and together this data helps us personalise your experience with us and remember your user settings and preferences. This is to perform the contract we have with you for the services you have requested and for good business reasons to ensure our apps are meeting your needs.
We also collect less obvious information about you and here’s why
Each time you download or play one of our games, there is some clever stuff going on in the background telling us about your use of our services and this includes some automatic data capture. Some of this happens when you download and open our app even if you have not set up an account or signed in.
We call this clever information we learn about you ‘Technical Data’ and ‘Usage Data’. We’ve set out in full the different types of technical data we collect about you here. We only collect and use this type of data where we need to in order to provide you with the service you have requested from us and have assessed again that there are good business purposes for doing so – for example that we need this information to provide you with troubleshooting and customer support and to keep our apps safe and secure, to improve our games and how the games appear to you, track how you played our games and used our apps so we can improve the player experience, provide you with the service as you want it, and to ensure you don’t receive marketing stuff.
We do not use cookies or other online identifiers.
In case you are interested (you’re probably not), your Technical Data boils down to: the IP address used to connect your device to the Internet, device unique ID, log in data (e.g. dates and times you interact with our app), your in-app actions, such as features and products you viewed or searched for in-app, response times, errors, app interaction information (such as scrolling or taps), the operating system, platform and device model you are using, other technology/apps on the device you are using including SDK version, timestamp, API key, application version, device identifier, locale (specific location where a given language is spoken), time zone, mobile network and network status (WiFi, etc.), general location information (not sufficient to derive city and street names), connection type (e.g. mobile data or WiFi), access status/HTTP status code, browser information (language, type and version and plug ins).
Sensitive Data
We do not collect any sensitive categories of personal data about you.
3. Data Sources and Data Sharing – Do you exchange my personal information with any third parties?
Apple Arcade: We share anonymised gameplay data with Apple Arcade. This does not identify you by name but instead tells Apple Arcade how many users have downloaded and played the game and also tells them about your achievement tracking and level progression for the Apple Arcade Game Center achievements and your iCloud storage.
Service Providers: We also share your data with our essential service providers who need to process it in order for us to provide you with our services and the App. For a list of these please click here. These third parties are our ‘data processors’ and we will always oblige them to protect your data in accordance with the law whenever they process it.
Group Companies: In addition, we have some corporate stuff to tell you about. We hope we will grow big. So eventually, we may have a number of different group companies (we will all be ultimately owned by the same company though). If this happens, we may want to share your information around our group so they can use it for the same internal purposes as we do and described above (for example we might want to store our data on one server or have a group wide troubleshooting team or other shared internal support services). We will only do this where we have assessed this as being for our good business reasons and where this does not unfairly compromise your privacy (legitimate interests). It is also possible we could sell our business to a third party or re-organise our business or become insolvent. In that scenario, our data is part of that business and so we would need to share it with the third-party buyer and their advisers. This is in the legitimate interests of selling our business.
A full list of our group companies and their locations is here.
Law enforcement: We will cooperate with all third parties to enforce their intellectual property or other rights as appropriate. We will also cooperate with law enforcement requests from within or outside your country of residence. This may include disclosing your personal information to government or law enforcement agencies, or private parties, when we have a good faith belief that disclosure is required by law or when we, in our discretion, believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our legal rights, or those of third parties and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, fraud reduction or legal process served on us. In such cases, we may raise or waive any legal objection or right available to us. Our legal basis for using this data is to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation or where it is in the legitimate interests of protecting our or others’ rights.
4. Overseas transfers
Where do we store your personal data and for how long?
Our backend servers are located in Ireland, Germany and the United Kingdom. We will ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to protect these transfers. For a list of our group companies and their office locations, please click here.
We use essential third party providers to collect, export, process and store personal data on our behalf and some of these are located outside the UK and/or the EU. We only use data processors which we consider meet the minimum legal requirements required to protect your data and we ensure that applicable safeguards are in place to protect your data whenever it is sent overseas or shared with those processors. For a list of third party processors and service providers: click here. This list is updated from time to time. If you require further information about these data processors, please contact data@playstack.com.
Apple Arcade may have locations outside the UK and/or the EU. Please check their terms for details of their locations.
We will only transfer your personal data to countries that have been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data by the applicable regulators or where there are adequate safeguards in place. For certain data transfers, we may use specific contracts approved by the applicable regulators which give personal data additional protections.
Please Contact Us if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring your personal data overseas.
5. How long do you retain my personal data?
We only store your data for as long we need it for the purposes for which we collected it in the first place. Storing data costs us money! We will generally store your data while you keep a copy of the App on your device. However, the law requires us to delete your data after it is no longer needed and so we use internal processes to assess when this might apply – e.g. when you have been an inactive customer for two years or when we consider that the risk of any legal claim is negligible. If we regard you as an inactive user, we will delete your personal data except where retention is necessary to enable us to enforce our legal rights, to comply with any laws or regulation or to protect the rights, property or safety of our employees.
We will also delete your data on your request though we may hold a list of the ‘opt out’ requests to administer your request. Please contact us at data@playstack.com for details of our data retention policy.
6. Security – Being safe and how we protect your data
We have put in place appropriate technical and organizational security measures that are designed to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered or disclosed. These measures include data encryption for communications between device and data centres, hardened security zones and restricted access policies. Where we keep your personal data files on local devices these devices are protected by various security measures including app packaging security requirements for publishing to App Stores, and the hardware security native to the device. We regularly review our security systems to ensure that your personal data remains safe and secure.
In addition, we limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.
We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach.
Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure and we cannot guarantee that data breaches will never occur. Please keep your password safe at all times and log out of inactive sessions.
For safety purposes, we may require players to verify their identity such as their age or email address. Don’t worry! This is only to make sure you are not a robot and that you stay safe online. We won’t use this information for unexpected reasons.
We also do not recommend that you put email addresses, URLs, phone numbers, full names or addresses, credit card details or other identifying or sensitive information in any online chat function or profile.
7. Your legal rights
Your device settings will allow you to view and adjust your privacy settings for our apps and depending on your device software, may ask you to confirm privacy choices when you first download our apps. In addition, please note you have the following legal rights (these may or may not apply to you depending on your jurisdiction):
Right to be informed and of access. You have the right to be informed what data we hold about you and you can ask us for a copy of your personal data. To do this please contact us at data@playstack.com. Please note that we may ask you to specify what you wish to see in order to focus our search.
Right to correct personal information. We try to keep the information that we hold about you accurate and up to date. Should you realise that any of the information that we hold about you is incorrect, please let us know at data@playstack.com and we will correct it as soon as we can.
Data deletion/Right to be forgotten. In some circumstances you have a right to have some of the personal information that we hold about you deleted where this is no good reason for us continuing to process it or where you successfully objected to our processing or where we have processed your data unlawfully or are required to erase it to comply with local law. Should you wish to have any information about you deleted, please let us know at data@playstack.com. Please note that in order to process your request you must delete our games from your mobile devices. We may not always be able to comply with your erasure request for specific legal reasons which will be notified to you if applicable at the time we respond to your request. We may also retain your information in an anonymised form. In some instances, personal information about you that is visible through gameplay such as username, avatar, your high scores and any chat messages may be cached on other players’ devices and we may not be able to remove or update that data from those devices, for example if that device is not connected to a Wi-Fi network.
Data portability. In some circumstances, you may have the right to request that data which you have provided to us is provided to you, so you can transfer this to another data controller in a machine-readable format. This right only applies to automated information which you initially provided consent for us to use or where we used the automated information to perform a contract with you.
Restriction of processing. This enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of your personal data in the following scenarios: (a) if you want us to establish the data’s accuracy; (b) where our use of the data is unlawful but you do not want us to erase it; (c) where you need us to hold the data even if we no longer require it as you need it to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or (d) you have objected to our use of your data but we need to verify whether we have overriding legitimate grounds to use it.
Right to object. You have the right to object to the processing of personal data about you which is processed on the grounds of legitimate interests (if you do not feel they are legitimate) or for direct marketing. In some cases, we may demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate grounds to still process your information which override your rights and freedoms. But we will only rarely rely on that option if we absolutely need to because we respect it is your data after all!
Right to withdraw consent. Consent isn’t a one-off thing. If you give it to us you can have it back! If you want to withdraw your consent for any use of your data just email us at data@playstack.com. This will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before you withdraw your consent. If you do withdraw your consent, this may impact your experience of our apps and we will advise you if this is the case at the time you withdraw your consent.
If you wish to exercise any of the rights set out above, please contact our data privacy manager.
We may charge a reasonable administration fee if allowed by applicable law.
We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). We may also contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request to speed up our response.
We will respond to all legitimate requests within one month.
8. Complaints
You may complain to your local supervisory data protection authority about us depending on where you are located. In the UK, please read: ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint for details of how to do this.
9. Contacting us
If you need to get in touch you can do so either by email to: data@playstack.com, or in writing to Data Compliance Officer, Playstack Ltd, 56A Poland Street, London, W1F7NN, United Kingdom; and please ensure you include specific details on your request and the best way for us to get back in touch.
That’s it!
Well done! You’ve read the whole thing, or just skipped to the end. Remember that this document is here to help you understand our commitment to protect your data and privacy, and to ensure you know how we are using any information we collect or need to store. If you have any questions or need more information, please do get in touch.
Last Update: May 2024
© 2024 Playstack Ltd